A boxing training facility has been established in Akyem Osino, Fanteakwa South district, Eastern Region, to train youth as both amateur and professional boxers.

Armageddon Boxing Club initiated this facility with the aim of redirecting young individuals particularly those engaged in illegal mining towards a new career in boxing.

Agyekum Kenneth also known as King Armageddon,the founder of Armageddon Boxing Club, emphasized that this initiative provides an alternative opportunity for passionate youth in mining areas to channel their energies into developing boxing skills.

Recognizing boxing as a globally popular sport, he sees the potential for participants to not only excel in the ring but also earn significant recognition and income.

Emmanuel Duku, a boxing coach, praised the establishment of the boxing training facility, stating that such opportunities are crucial for the youth in the Eastern Region to develop their boxing talents and contribute to Ghana reclaiming its past glory in the sport.

Source: Ghana/Starrfm.com.gh/103.5FM/Kojo Ansah


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